Thursday July 3rd we decided it was time to try the big boy bed again so I decided the best way to do it was get rid of the crib so we wouldn't be tempted to stick him in it when he got out a few time like the last few times we tried. It actually worked like a charm!! He has adjusted alot better then I thought he would. He of course sometimes gets out and runs around his room and reads books til he gets tired but he goes and lays down in his bed and falls asleep when he wears himself out. Its so bitter sweet that he is getting so big and growing so much lately. I love watching him grow and learn but want to keep him a baby forever but I think every mom feels that way!!
How sweet. Your blog is super cute, but kind of blinding to try and read. :)
They grow up too fast!! As soon as Sydni saw Jayden's bedding she yelled "Cars!!!" Congrats on him graduating from the crib!
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