Maddie wanted to wear her cowgirl boots and tutu :-)

Showing off her boots!!

Being a cowgirl is exhausting!

I sure love that face!

What you looking at???

I go potty all the time now!

Im a big kid now!!!!!!!
There has been lots of changes the last little while with Jaydan and Madyson. They are growing like weeds right now! They are getting so big and grown up lately!! Jaydans big change is he is officially potty trained!!!!! FINALLY!! Poor kid has had a rough year and every time we would work on potty training he would have surgery, get sick or break something. Plus it didnt help that he is very stubborn and he will only do things on his own terms. Once he decided he was ready he has done great!! No accidents and he tells us every time he needs to go and if we are in the car or something he holds it until we get to a potty. Im so proud of him. After doing so good for a couple days with no accidents we decided to ask Kamrins mom to watch Maddie so Kamrin and I could take him to a movie. We went and seen G Force in 3D. He LOVED it! He sat through the whole thing and didnt get restless at all!! It was so funny to see him grab for things that werent really there since it was in 3D. We all had alot of fun!! Maddies big change is she is now binky free!! This is huge for us! Both of my kids were huge binky babies! Maddies actually hated the binky til she started teething but has been hooked since. She has been without one at all for a week and a half now. Im guessing she will be potty trained by Christmas right when she turns 2! She LOVES going potty and being big like her brother. She has to sit on the little potty we have whenever he goes potty. She has even gone pee in there quite a few times now. Going from changing 2 kids diapers daily to none will be nice!!Im so proud of my little bugs for all the big changes they have made! I sure love those 2!!!!