Birthday Boo Boo its all black and blue now :-(

Wagon ride home

In the wagon trailer (I love this picture)

Eating his Batman Ring Pop

Baby kisses!!

Laying in Balloons

Checking out his Seasme Street friends

This is what happens when you stay up til 3am

Watching his birthday sparkler

Mommy and Jaydan rolling down the hill
Jaydans birthday was a very busy, exciting, fun and messy day!! It all started the night before when my friend Jenny and I stayed up til 3am to decorate our living room and his bedroom with balloons, streamers, banners, a 5 foot mural, giant stickers and even more balloons! He gets his sleeping habits from his dad because we were trying to be quiet in his room but of course that means we dropped stuff of ran into things and he didn't even move! I woke up at 8am with Maddie soI had to go wake him up because I was way too excited to wait. He woke up to us stnding over him, a huge Elmo balloon tied to his bed, a 5 foot Seasme Street mural on his wall and streamers everywhere. He was a bit confused at first but shortly got right into the excitement. I told him there was something in the living room for him and he went running. We put a streamer curtain in the doorway to the living room so he went tearing through it to see over 100 balloons on the floor, streamers everywhere, Happy Birthday banner, Giant Backyarigans stickers all over the walls and even more balloons floating on the ceiling. He got so excited he ran and leaped into all the balloons. after a while we gave Jaydan and his friend Brooke big goody bags and they colored, did puzzled and played hard! Then it was nap time. My mom and grandma came and took us to lunch at McDonalds so he could play in the play land after he ate. We came home ans played with Playdoh and Moon Sand then it was PARTY TIME!!! We went to the park down the street for cake, melted icecream and open presents oh and play play play!! He had so much fun until he fell right into a medal pole and got the biggest goose egg right between his eyes. Poor kid!!It was a very good birthday for him!! Thank you to everyone who helped make his birthday very special!!!!!