Our Family

Sunday, August 24, 2008
About The Kids... For The Kids.....
Jaydan is so much fun. He really lights up my day. One look at that smile and I some how forget why he is in trouble. He is so full of energy and love. He adores his baby sister. Every morning when he sees her for the first time he says Good Morning Princess. It is so so cute. His favorite things to do right now are anything that involves cars and trains, his new ride on Thomas the Train, his Batman bike, coloring and of course watching Elmo and Barney!! When he is tired he also loves to cuddle and read books (this is my favorite) Jaydan is always the center of attention and is always making everyone laugh. He learns new words and songs daily. He can pretty much sing along with every Barney song and his favorite is The Wheels On The Bus which is my favorite to watch him do all the actions as he sings.
I love you more then you will ever know. You truly are my sunshine. You light up my whole day and even make the bad days go away. Your smile melts my heart. Your eyes make me smile. Looking at you and watching all that you do makes me realize how lucky I truly am to be your mom. I don't know what I did right to deserve you as my son but I will forever be thankful to not only have you in my life but for you to be my son. I hope no matter what happens along this journey we call life I hope you always know you will always have a mommy and daddy who loves you more then life itself!! We will do anything for you and will always be there for you. I love you so much buddy!
Love, Mommy
Madyson is now all over the place and won't sit still for a second (not even to eat) She is the proud owner of 2 teeth that she is not afraid to use if you get anywhere close to her mouth (trust me I know) She has recently decided since she skipped the newborn stage and slept through the night at a month old she would try it out now. She wakes up every few hours now just to get some attention. She is already a very girly girl (thanks to mommy) She takes longer to get ready then even me. She has too many accessories to put on daily like her bracelets (over 30 to choose from), Headbands ( probably over 100 to choose from), and her earrings(probably close to 100 to choose from) Oh and can't forget to mention the many many toe nail polishes to choose from. YES, I do know I am out of control but hey I'm really enjoying this girly thing. She already has her baby dolls that she just loves. She is so beautiful in so many ways and adds so much love to our family!
We are so lucky you joined our family!! You are truly an amazing little girl that brings so much happiness to our lives. Your smile is to die for and those eyes well lets just say I'm so happy you have your brothers eyes. In only 8 months you have given so much joy and love to our house. You have a daddy who you have wrapped around your little finger already, a mommy who loves you dearly and a brother who just adores you. You have such a sweet and happy spirit about you that you can change sadness to happiness in just one smile. I love you so very much and can't wait to see the young women you will become. I am so thankful to call you my daughter!! I love you baby girl!!!
Love, Mommy
Everyday I feel more and more blessed to be these amazing kids' mommy. I just have had an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for them lately and wanted to share my thoughts and feelings.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Maddie Showing Off
It's not very often Maddie and I get alone time in the morning before Jaydan wakes up but this morning he was extra sleeping because he is still out like a light. I thought I would take advantage and take a couple videos of Maddie to show you all the new things she does. One of the videos is of her crawling (Sorry about the horrible glare in this one) and the other is of her sitting up on her own, clapping, nodding her head and making some funny faces. I hope you all enjoy all her new talents as much as we do.
Maddie has been so much fun to watch as she learns something new everyday. She is getting so so big. It seems so surreal that she will be 8 months old tomorrow. We are very blessed to have her apart of our family. She is such a good and happy baby and has been since day one. Even when she is sick she is full of smiles and laughs. Whenever I take her to the doctor he asked how I even know she is sick because the second he walks in she smiles and laughs at him .He always comments on how she is by far and away the happiest sick patient he has ever seen.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Final Family Swimming For The Summer!!

Maddie with Grandma Hammond

This is as close to a face shot he would let me get

I love swimming in big water!!

Running from mommy

Laying in water

I love that face

Here he goes

Ready set go!!!

Connors silly face

Landis say cheese

Flirtin with the camera lady
Don't tell his wife :-)

Blurry but cool

What you lookin at???

Jared going off the high dive

Landis cannonball!

Kamrin looking so graceful

Jay and mommy

Jared doin the belly shot :-)

Maddie bundled with Auntie Shaless

Boys will be BOYS!!

Connor, Kamrin, Landis and Jared
Every Monday the pool down the street from our house has swimming for only a buck so we have gone quite a bit since Jaydan loves swimming in big water(as he would call it) Kamrins family has joined us a few times. We decided to have everyone out one last time before everyone started school and got busy now that summer is coming to an end. Jaydan of course had a blast the entire time even when us girls got too cold and had to dry off. Luckily grandma was there to save the day to stay in the big water with him. It was entertaining watching the guys go off the high dive and also wrestle towards the end. Thank you guys for coming and helping make such fun memories!!
Monday, August 11, 2008
There is a first time for everything!!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

We are the Bear family now
(Don't mind my hair please I had been "roughing it" for 4 days)

This bear was just chillin' in the road in the front of our car

Maddie petting a goat

Maddie petting a baby deer

Jay feeding Captain Jack the goat

This one was my favorite. His name is Gizmo

Petting Captain Jack

Jay petting a HUGE pig

He loved all the birds

The moose felt so cool!!!

For some reason he would only touch the turtle with one finger

This is one of my favorite pics I took (besides of my kids of course)

It had a rainbow in there

That water was boiling

Our shirts for this year (we get ones every year)

Aunt Shaless and Uncle Jared with my kiddos

He LOVED being able to watch Barney and Elmo in the car

Taking a "drink" after my baby cookie

I love those eyes and wow look at that smile!

Shaless and Dane in the paddle boats

Here we all are in our tie dyed shirts
Easton, Connor, Tamera and Dane
Pashell, me, Landis and Shaless
Gran holding Maddie, Vali, Kamrin with Jay and Jared
Kamrin's family started a tradition 4 years ago to do their own family reunion with his parents, siblings and their spouses and Gran. This year his cousin Vali came along also. We all got in the car Thursday morning and off we went to Yellowstone National Park. I have never been there so I was excited to go somewhere new. We all squeezed into 2 vehicles (all 13 of us) and our first stop was Pocatello, Idaho where we stopped for lunch. Then we went and met up with Vali and next stop the cabins we stayed in for 3 nights and 4 days. They were about 20 miles out of West Yellowstone. We did so much and seen so much in those 4 days. We went to different parts of the park each day. Some of the highlights for me were Old Faithful, seeing all the wildlife, paddle boating on the little river by the cabins and most of all the stop at Bear World on the ride home. Seeing Jaydan as excited as he was being able to pet goats, deer, an enormous pig, a turtle and the cutest thing was watching him chase around a bunch of chickens, ducks and other birds. It was alot of fun but I am happy to be home and so are my kids. 4 days in the car was rough on then but you would have never known except the couple crying spells they had. They are sure troopers. I am very blessed to have such angels that are both so happy none stop even after sticking them in a car for 4 days.