Maddie LOVES to dance. Even before she could walk she would just shake her little body and dance whenever she heard music. Last week we were watching the American Idol finale the top 13 sang a Pink song named So What and Maddie went crazy. It was so cute I had to grab my camera and film her! I was in the middle of changing her to put her to bed and she got up in only her diaper and started shaking it :-) Maddie loves music. Along with dancing she tries so hard to sing along with songs. Ill have to catch a moment like that to share.
Our Family

Wednesday, May 27, 2009
My No Girl!!
Maddie has a new favorite word....NO! She says it ALL the time and it drives me crazy!! I will ask her 10 different things and she always tells me no yet the second I ask if she wants a treat or candy she says yes so I know she knows the difference! Maddie was such an easy baby. Much easier then Jaydan. Since she turned 1 she has been such a challenge for me! She is such a mean bully! I always feared Jay would pick on her but oh no its the other way around. She does everything Jay never did. She hits, scratches, throws herself back while screaming and even started biting. I dont know if this is a girl thing or a second child thing or what!! Dont get me wrong she is not always like that but as she gets older it has got more frequent. I wish i knew how to get her to chill out a bit. She is such a cute little girl but man she is mean! Here is a sample of her NO NO NO!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Too Smart For His Own Good!!
Mommy "Jaydan we are going to learn to only go potty in the toilet so you dont have to wear yucky diapers anymore and you can wear big boy underwears like..... (I named ALOT of people)"
Jaydan "No I wanna wear my diapers still for long long time"
Mommy "No they are gross and mommy doesnt like changing them"
Jaydan "Yes you do"
Mommy "How about you become a big boy so you can have a big birthday party cause babies dont have birthday parties"
Jaydan "Yes they do, baby Maddie had a big butterfly party"
DANG IT!! He is too smart to trick!!!
Jaydan "No I wanna wear my diapers still for long long time"
Mommy "No they are gross and mommy doesnt like changing them"
Jaydan "Yes you do"
Mommy "How about you become a big boy so you can have a big birthday party cause babies dont have birthday parties"
Jaydan "Yes they do, baby Maddie had a big butterfly party"
DANG IT!! He is too smart to trick!!!
Monday, May 18, 2009
Kangaroo Zoo!!!
Maddie getting ready to go down the slide!
Jay bouncing around like crazy!
Taking a break!
This is a BLAST!
Too busy to pose for a pic!
Getting ready to climb on the Crocodile!
Maddie with Aunt Steph!
Friday Steph and I took my kids to a fun place called Kangaroo Zoo where they have alot of inflatable bounce things and slides! It was SO FUN and man it wears you out quick!! My kids had so much fun there! It think its a place we will go back to burn off some of the energy my kids have and also its a great work out for me :-) Even Maddie went on all of them! They have this ENORMOUS slide that I took Maddie down thinking she would not like it and she wanted to go again and again! It was so big and fast it would take her breath away for a second and then she would just giggle and point to it saying more!! Jay had a smile on his face the whole time we were there!
Happy Birthday Shawn!
Yesterday was my brother Shawns birthday! Shawn holds a very special place in my heart! Not only because he is my brother but because he blessed both of my kids. For that I am so grateful to him and for him! He was able to give both of my kids very special and amazing blessings when they were babies. We went over to his house for a YUMMY BBQ last night to celebrate with him. It was alot of fun! I really love spending time with my family! I am so blessed to have such an amazing family!! Shawn I hope you had a great birthday! I love you very much and Im so thankful you are my brother!!
Happy Birthday Bill!
Last week on the 14th was my brother in laws birthday! We went over to their house that night for yummy banana splits. Funny story about that night was we forgot Jays sippy over there and come to find out their dogs got a hold of it and chewed the mouth piece right off! When Jay saw it the next day he thought it was the funniest thing ever! He had to show everyone we saw what happened! Bill we hope you had a great birthday!! Jay made a video for you. Hope you enjoy it!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mothers Day!!
First of all I want to wish all the mothers reading this a very Happy Mothers Day!!
Part of this Mothers Day was hard for me. I had an emotional day and some of it was good emotional and some not so great. Yesterday was a very hard day for me as a parent. Both of my kids were not behaving at all, all afternoon and night. Jaydan was testing every limit possible and it got so bad he would look at me hurry and do something he knew was not right run and put himself in time out and just laugh the entire time. He had me in tears numerous times all day. Its days like that where I just feel so overwhelmed as a parent. I sometimes forget that you have to take the bad with the good in parenting. Its not all fun, joyful and happiness. When I have those kind of horrible days I try so hard to sit back, take a deep breathe and think of all the cute things that they do to make me happier then I have ever been and I try to remember the feeling I had when I thought Jaydans life could be at risk and that I would rather go through those bad days with him then to ever feel like I could loose him again.
On a happy note I feel so blessed to be Jaydan and Madysons mom. I dont know how I got so lucky to have these 2 but I thank the Lord everyday he chose me to be their mom. I never knew a love like this existed until I became a mom. I am so thankful for my 2 babies!! Sometimes I just look at them and cry because I love them so much and they bring me a kind of joy I cant even describe. These last 3 years since I became a mom have been the most amazing years of my life. I have learned so much about life, love and happiness. I just hope that as the years go by that my kids will always know and feel how much I love them!! They are the 2 greatest joys of my life. I love Kamrin for being apart of these 2 amazing children we created! We always jus sit and talk about how we cant believe how adorable our kids really are :-) We are both so proud of them both! I love Kamrin for the gift he gave me.... The chance to be a mother!!
Also Mothers Day gave me a chance to ponder on my own mom. I have always been close to my mom and always thought the world of her but it wasnt until I became a mom did I fully appreciate her the way I should have. My mom is one of the most amazing people I know. She is so strong and so kind. I know for a fact there is nothing she wouldnt do to help any of us kids and her grandchildren. I hope I am half the mom she is. I feel so privileged to be her daughter. She is a true example of the kind of person I want to be. I know no matter what I do my mom is one person I can go to and not be judged. My mom has shown me what unconditional love is. Even now that Im an adult, married and have kids of my own I still look to my mom for advice and the extra love I need on those difficult days. Mom I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and I am so thankful for you everyday!! Thank you for being the best mom and best friend to me. I love you mom!!!
Also I want to express my gratitude for my mother in law. She has shown me so much love since I joined her family. I can see in her eyes how much she truly loves my kids and I am so thankful my kids have people to love them like that. I am so blessed to have a mother in law that would also do anything for her children and their families. She has helped us out so much in our times of need and I know that if we ever were in need of anything she would be one of the first there to help in anyway possible. Tamera thank you for all you do for us. My children are so lucky to have a grandma that shows her love for them constantly even just by the way you look at them. I love you and Im very thankful to you and for you!!!
I have many more mother figures in my life that I would love to talk about but that would take FOREVER so to all the women in my life that have made any kind of impact in my life I want to thank you and you have a very special place in my heart. I am a very blessed person to have such wonderful people in my life!!!
Now for how I spent my Mothers Day. We went to Sacrament which was a good program. We then came home to hurry and get the kids a nap because we would be gone the rest of the day and I knew if we wanted to enjoy all our day our kids would need a nap! We went to lunch at Kamrins grandmas house and spent time with his family for a few hours then head to my aunts house to spend time with my family. It was nice to be around loved ones all day! A while after we got home Shaless and Jared came over and Jay and Maddie were being so cute and funny. Jaydan showed Maddie how to do Ring Around The Rosies and she giggled the entire time! It was so great to see them having fun together.
I hope you all had a wonderful Mothers Day!!

Showing her how to get started

Having a blast!!
Part of this Mothers Day was hard for me. I had an emotional day and some of it was good emotional and some not so great. Yesterday was a very hard day for me as a parent. Both of my kids were not behaving at all, all afternoon and night. Jaydan was testing every limit possible and it got so bad he would look at me hurry and do something he knew was not right run and put himself in time out and just laugh the entire time. He had me in tears numerous times all day. Its days like that where I just feel so overwhelmed as a parent. I sometimes forget that you have to take the bad with the good in parenting. Its not all fun, joyful and happiness. When I have those kind of horrible days I try so hard to sit back, take a deep breathe and think of all the cute things that they do to make me happier then I have ever been and I try to remember the feeling I had when I thought Jaydans life could be at risk and that I would rather go through those bad days with him then to ever feel like I could loose him again.
On a happy note I feel so blessed to be Jaydan and Madysons mom. I dont know how I got so lucky to have these 2 but I thank the Lord everyday he chose me to be their mom. I never knew a love like this existed until I became a mom. I am so thankful for my 2 babies!! Sometimes I just look at them and cry because I love them so much and they bring me a kind of joy I cant even describe. These last 3 years since I became a mom have been the most amazing years of my life. I have learned so much about life, love and happiness. I just hope that as the years go by that my kids will always know and feel how much I love them!! They are the 2 greatest joys of my life. I love Kamrin for being apart of these 2 amazing children we created! We always jus sit and talk about how we cant believe how adorable our kids really are :-) We are both so proud of them both! I love Kamrin for the gift he gave me.... The chance to be a mother!!
Also Mothers Day gave me a chance to ponder on my own mom. I have always been close to my mom and always thought the world of her but it wasnt until I became a mom did I fully appreciate her the way I should have. My mom is one of the most amazing people I know. She is so strong and so kind. I know for a fact there is nothing she wouldnt do to help any of us kids and her grandchildren. I hope I am half the mom she is. I feel so privileged to be her daughter. She is a true example of the kind of person I want to be. I know no matter what I do my mom is one person I can go to and not be judged. My mom has shown me what unconditional love is. Even now that Im an adult, married and have kids of my own I still look to my mom for advice and the extra love I need on those difficult days. Mom I want you to know that I love you with all my heart and I am so thankful for you everyday!! Thank you for being the best mom and best friend to me. I love you mom!!!
Also I want to express my gratitude for my mother in law. She has shown me so much love since I joined her family. I can see in her eyes how much she truly loves my kids and I am so thankful my kids have people to love them like that. I am so blessed to have a mother in law that would also do anything for her children and their families. She has helped us out so much in our times of need and I know that if we ever were in need of anything she would be one of the first there to help in anyway possible. Tamera thank you for all you do for us. My children are so lucky to have a grandma that shows her love for them constantly even just by the way you look at them. I love you and Im very thankful to you and for you!!!
I have many more mother figures in my life that I would love to talk about but that would take FOREVER so to all the women in my life that have made any kind of impact in my life I want to thank you and you have a very special place in my heart. I am a very blessed person to have such wonderful people in my life!!!
Now for how I spent my Mothers Day. We went to Sacrament which was a good program. We then came home to hurry and get the kids a nap because we would be gone the rest of the day and I knew if we wanted to enjoy all our day our kids would need a nap! We went to lunch at Kamrins grandmas house and spent time with his family for a few hours then head to my aunts house to spend time with my family. It was nice to be around loved ones all day! A while after we got home Shaless and Jared came over and Jay and Maddie were being so cute and funny. Jaydan showed Maddie how to do Ring Around The Rosies and she giggled the entire time! It was so great to see them having fun together.
I hope you all had a wonderful Mothers Day!!

Showing her how to get started

Having a blast!!
This was a great way to end Mothers Day!!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Happy Birthday Connor!
May 6th was my littlest brother in laws birthday! We celebrated it with Pashells last week when we went to Sweet Tomatoes with Kamrins whole family. We had alot of fun there. Connor we all hope you had a great birthday!! We love you!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Happy Birthday Dad!
Monday was my dads birthday. After Jaydan knew it was his birthday he kept singing Happy Birthday all day long. My dad spent some of his day in the dentist chair. Fun for him huh!! Anyway I just wanted to post a Happy Birthday wish to my dad. I know he will probably never see this but..... Dad I hope you had a good bday besides the dentist appt. We love you!!
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