Part of me cant believe Im already to this point in pregnancy then majority of me feels like its taking FOREVER! I must admit this pregnancy seems to have gone by alot faster then the other 2. Maybe its cause I have 2 little ones to take up all my time. I went to my weekly appt yesterday and it went really good. I am now 60% effaced and my upper cervix it a 3 and my lower cervix is a 2. I didnt know your cervix could be dilated different from the top to bottom but apparently it can be. Thats great progress from my last appt since I wasnt effaced at all and was a solid 2. We talked about being induced if he doesnt make it on his own and my doc said he would induce me on November 15th. Im really hoping he comes on his own before then but at least I now know if not I wont have to wait til my due date. My doc said in his opinion if I keep progressing the way I have I will probably have him by next week. I guess we will see. Im very ready for this little guy to come. Im to the point where I dont sleep anyways so at least if he was here I would have a cute little baby to snuggle and look at! My lower back and my ribs are constantly hurting bad. Im just very ready to not have all this extra weight and strain on them.
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