Waiting to become a big sister!
Our Family

Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Kamdyns Birth
On Monday November 15, 2010 at 6am I called St Marks hospital to see what time I was supposed to arrive to be induced. They told me to go in at 7:30am so I finished getting ready and woke Kamrin and the kids up to get ready also. We loaded the kids up and took them to my grandmas so they could go to preschool with her and my aunt. Once we got to the hospital they got me checked in and took me to my room to get me hooked up to the machines and ivs.I tested positive for strep b so they had to run a few bags of antibiotics through my iv before he was born. They started the pitocin out slow so I wouldnt progress too fast before I got 2 bags of the antibiotics in me. Around 1pm everything started moving ahead. They started my 2nd bag of antibiotics so thats when they gave me my epidural and my doctor came in and broke my water. At that point I was dilated to a 4. It seemed to go slowly for me still. I was dilating a cm every hour or so. Around 4:45pm my doctor came in to check me and I was at a 6. He feared I would go fast from that point and he had a c section at a different hospital at 5 so he had them half my pitocin. He called when he was on his way back and they increased it again. The bad part of that was when the decreased it, it pretty much stopped my contractions so they had to get them going which seemed to take forever. When my doctor got back and checked me I was at an 8 so I didnt think it would take much longer but it still was a couple hours after that before I was ready to push. I finally was ready to start pushing just before 9pm. I was expecting having to push only a couple times because with Maddie I only pushed for 8 minutes and she was born. I was not so lucky this time though. His face was turned the wrong way which was making it hard for him to come down the birth canal. Once he got to the point my doctor could flip him the right direction I only pushed 3 times and he was out! Even with him being stuck I only pushed for about a half hour which is alot better then the 2 hours with Jay! This birth was alot different then my other 2. With Jaydan my mom and sister Kim were in the room. With Maddie my mom, Kim and Kamrins mom were in the room and for this one we decided to just have it be Kamrin and I in the room. Another difference was Kamrin convinced me to have the mirror down so I could watch him being born too which I had never done before. That was a really neat experience. Not that its pleasant to see what your body goes through to have a baby but my favorite part was the moment he crowned and I knew he was so close to joining us in the worst. It was also amazing because the second he crowned both Kamrin and I shared a moment together and started crying. Having it just be us 2 was an amazing bonding experience! So after about a half hour of pushing Kamdyn Dane Hammond made his entrance at 9:21pm on November 15, 2010. He weighed 7 pounds 4 ounces and was 20 inches long. He was my biggest baby by over a pound. Right after he was born Kamrin went and got everyone that was waiting in the waiting room. Jaydan and Madyson were here which was very special to me. My mom, Kim, Kamrins mom, grandma and 2 youngest brothers were also there. Since it was already late they didnt stay long. Once they left Kamrin and I got to spend some alone time with our new son. After the nurse took me up to my room Kamrin went to the nursery to give him his first bath. At that point it was after midnight and we both were starving so Kamrin went driving around trying to find somewhere that was open to get us food. I chose YUMMY Sconecutters and he got food from a Mexican restaurant. After I was full I thought I would sleep GREAT since I hadnt slept much the night before and I did just have a baby so hey I was pretty tired but boy was I wrong! My nurse kept coming in to see if I wanted to try and go to the bathroom but I didnt feel like I needed to even after a few hours and ALOT to drink. Even after 2 Percocets and an Ibuprofen 800 I was in so much pain that I couldnt sleep. I dont remember it hurting like that even after taking the pain pills. The pain just got worse and worse. When my nurse came in cause she was concerned I hadnt gone to the bathroom she checked my stomach since I said I was in so much pain. Sure enough my bladder was SO swollen and shoved up farther then it should be. She got me up and tried to get me to use the restroom but after 10 min of trying and nothing happening she decided it was time to drain my bladder for me. Ill spare you all the details but lets just say it was FULL and ready to burst. After many failed attempts and many different trick I finally was able to get my bladder to function correctly again but it took alot of time and pain til it did. I didnt have anything like that happen with my other 2. It was so miserable! All that really happened after that til we were able to go home was lots of visitors and the normal hospital stay after having a baby. We were able to go home around 11am on Wednesday. We went and picked up the kids from preschool on our way home and it was off to start our new journey with 3 kids!!

Waiting to become a big sister!
Waiting to become a big sister!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Maternity Pictures
I wanted some pictures of me big pregnant for memories but I wasnt about to go get them professionally done cause lets be honest after carrying 3 kids for 9 months I dont feel the prettiest I have ever felt in my life so I asked my sister to come take some for me. We let the kids join in and even got Kamrin to do a few with us. I didnt realize how GIANT my belly was until I looked at these pictures!! Only 4 days left!!!!!!

Monday, November 8, 2010
Last Week Of Being Pregnant!!
Its set! If this little guy doesnt come on his own (he wont) he will be evicted next Monday November 15th! Its all set with the hospital and all! I am supposed to call the hospital at 6:30am to make sure they have a bed open at that time then head in. I cant tell you how excited I am!! These last few weeks have been a huge roller coater and have been very painful. My body knows how to do the whole hard contractions every couple minutes but when it comes to them actually making me progress like I need to it doesnt get the concept. For some reason even with starting contractions really early and even to the point they have to stop them when it comes time I can never go into the full labor thing on my own. Im just so excited to have a light at the end of this tunnel! I had an ultrasound on Friday to check my fluid and his growth because I started losing weight and my stomach has measured the same for over 2 weeks. Fluid was good. Kamdyns head and brain were great in size but his body was about a week and a half behind. My doc went over it all with me today and said he was measuring in the 29th percentile at 5 lbs 14 oz. I still think he will be my biggest baby even though he will still be little. By this time next week I could be holding my new baby!!! Cant wait!!!!

Sorry its blurry its a pic of a pic
Halloween Weekend
On Friday the 29th we went to the ward I grew up in for their dinner, carnival and trunk or treat. It was so much fun for the kids and it was fun seeing so many people I havent seen in such a long time. They started it with a dinner and then had a little carnival of games for the kids that they could win prizes at and to end it we all went to the parking lot for the truck or treat. My kids had such a good time! I must have been too busy visiting or something cause somehow I only ended up with 1 picture :-( As you can see there were tons of people which means tons of fun!
Saturday the 30th I spent most of the day in the hospital so my mom and sisters had the kids. Jaydan had a fun sleep over with my sister Steph and my nephew Tyson. Maddie slept at home upstairs with my sister Kim. I felt bad that I was interrupting their Halloween fun but it sounds like they had fun with family!
Sunday the 31st I spent most of the day resting after having hard painful contractions very close the day before. That afternoon Kamrin and the kids went to his moms for dinner and they came home with lots of goodies from everyone. They sure are spoiled! Even though Halloween didnt turn out exactly how I wanted and I feel I missed some of the fun with my kids I really think they had a great Halloween weekend thanks to my great family and in laws! They are all amazing!
Priceless Moments
I stole this picture from my sister in laws blog to share on mine. I love these kids more then words can say. Pictures like this that capture those priceless moments in their life mean the most to me. This is them dancing at Pashells wedding . They were SO adorable the whole time. He kept twirling her and at the end they even kissed :-)
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