I absolutely LOVE the way Maddie talks! That girl is so hilarious and always says the cutest things! I wanted to blog about some of the things she says so I can always remember them.
She mixes alright and thats fine and Maddies version is "Thats all fine mommy"
She always calls things "Super cute"
She calls blood bleed so it comes out "Mommy he has bleed all over him"
She calls underwear "Wonder wear"
There is many more but of course my mind went blank so I will leave it as that and blog more as they come to me. She is such a spunky fire ball and I love every bit of it!!
Our Family

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Celebrating Jaydan
We celebrated Jaydans bday quite a bit and we still have 1 thing to do. We first did celebrating on his actual bday with Kamrins family which I already blogged about. Next was a party for my moms side of the family. We did lunch, cake and ice cream and opened presents. The next day we did a party for both him and I at my sisters house with my siblings and parents. We got there early and went swimming which Jaydan requested. We had dinner, did cake and ice cream and presents. yesterday my friend and I took all my kids, her kids and her boyfriends kids to Jump Around Utah. The kids had a blast!!!! After a few hours then we went to Jennys house and she got Jaydan Cars cupcakes and ice cream and gave him his presents and they played at her house til 8pm last night! He has had such a great time in all these celebrations for him. Kamrin and i still owe him bday date. Guess we should get on that now that his bday was almost a month ago :-)
Pics from the party with my moms family-

Pics from swimming and party at my sisters-
Pics from the party with my moms family-
Pics from swimming and party at my sisters-
Monday, July 4, 2011
Happy Birthday Jaydan!!
On June 24th while we were up at Bear Lake my little Jay bug turned 5 years old!! I cant believe he is 5!!! I have been a mom for 5 years already! Crazy!! The night before his bday after we put them to bed his family helped us decorate for him. Tons of balloons, streamers and Star Wars decorations. When he woke up we kept him in the room while we but a ballon trap on the stairs so he had to go through all of them to get downstairs. He was so excited when he walked out and saw it all. We opened presents and headed to the lake for most of the day. After the lake we went to a swimming pool for more water fun. After a yummy steak dinner we sang to him and had cake and ice cream. I think he had very fun all day long. He had a grin from ear to ear all day long.
Buddy i cant believe you are 5! That is very bitter sweet for me. I am loving the kid you are becoming but it is very hard seeing you grow so fast. You start Kindergarten in August and that will be very hard for me. You have been with me pretty much everyday from the day you were born so to sent you to school with complete strangers is very tough for me. You on the other hand are VERY excited for school! You are such a sweet little boy. You are the best big brother to Maddie and Kamdyn. I just love you to pieces and I am so thankful I got picked to be your mom because you are the sweetest, most loving, most handsome and most energetic kid
I know!! I love everything about you and always will!!!
Love, Mommy

Buddy i cant believe you are 5! That is very bitter sweet for me. I am loving the kid you are becoming but it is very hard seeing you grow so fast. You start Kindergarten in August and that will be very hard for me. You have been with me pretty much everyday from the day you were born so to sent you to school with complete strangers is very tough for me. You on the other hand are VERY excited for school! You are such a sweet little boy. You are the best big brother to Maddie and Kamdyn. I just love you to pieces and I am so thankful I got picked to be your mom because you are the sweetest, most loving, most handsome and most energetic kid
I know!! I love everything about you and always will!!!
Love, Mommy
Hammond Family Reunion- Day 3
Day 3 for me was not fun at all. The day before while at the lake I got the worst sunburn I have ever had in my life! It hurt SO bad!!! Everyone went to a cave nearby but I stayed home with Kamdyn and Kamrins grandma because I was so miserable. My sweet husband took such good care of me and but aloe on me as much as possible. He also did something he used to do to himself when he got horrible burns. He cut up a shirt and caked aloe on it and plastered it to my back so it acted like my skin so it wouldnt rub on my shirt and kill every time I moved. It really worked! Dont get me wrong I was still miserable but not as much as before he did that!! Anyways after they were done at the cave they brought back yummy shakes. That evening we went to a place called Pickleville Playhouse. We ate dinner outside if it and then went it for a play. It was HILARIOUS!!!! Kamrins awesome sister took care of the baby should we could watch it all since she had seen it before. It was such a fun night!!!! After the play we headed home and cleaned up since we had to check out before 10am the next morning. We had such a great vacation!!!!!!!!

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