How far along? 22 Weeks 3 Days
Total weight gain: Not sure. Will find out later this week.
Maternity clothes? Some
Stretch marks? Not from her
Sleep: Pretty good for the most part
Best moment this week: Getting so much accomplished around the house
Miss Anything? Not having to go pee a few times a night
Movement: Lots
Food cravings: Cheese tortilla dipped in sour cream and salsa and also chocolate cake doughnuts with chocolate frosting
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really
Gender: GIRL!!
Labor Signs: Contractions
Symptoms: Uncomfortable and growing belly
Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: Both
Looking forward to: Hearing her heart again this week
Our Family

Monday, February 20, 2012
Valentines Day
Our Valentines was fun this year. I will be honest Im not a huge fan of Valentines. I think its a silly "holiday" because I would rather my Valentine tell me he loves me and get me special things just because instead of a holiday saying he has to. I do get into it for the kids though and still get Kamrin something and try my hardest to make it special. With Valentines being on Tuesday Maddie had her school party the day before. Jaydan had this that day. They both had a blast and got lots of awesome treats and Valentines cards. While Jaydan was at school Maddie, Kamdyn and I went on a search for a body pillow for Kamrin. After searching 3 different stores we finally found one. We also got the rest of the stuff we needed for dinner that night. We are not the crazy type who even attempts going out to eat on Valentines. Kamrin requested I make Malibu Chicken for dinner so thats what he got. As funny as it sounds it has a special meaning to us and we have ate it on very special occasions so it fit. After dinner and looking through all the kids Valentines we just had a normal family night until the kids went to bed. We then finished Breaking Dawn which we had started the night before when Kamrin had surprised me with chocolate covered strawberries and grapes! All in all it was a good day and Im so thankful I not only have 1 Valentine but I have 4.5 :-)
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
In A Perfect World
In a perfect world we wouldnt have to feel or go through any kind of pain or trails. Unfortunately its far from a perfect world. We all have trails and get hurt by others. Others choices affect us and sometimes it life changing for us. The last while I have been struggling with this. I think of it often. I have been trying so hard to think thing through and use my logic instead of my hormones. Its hard ti do that when your pregnant though. I want to focus on me and focus on my family and not what others are doing but sometimes its really hard. Its hard to let go of things that people have done that have hurt you and affected you alot. Its even more hard when you feel they have never answered for it or changed in any way. Its hard to see those people get everything they want and get blessed with so much when they have done such horrible things. You often hear people say that even if they dont answer for things here they will one day have to answer for it after this life which helps but it doesnt. Its nice to know that even if they ignore it now that one day they wont be able to hide from it anymore but you still have to live your life now knowing they are getting what they want and living not having this in their mind like you have to carry it around. Your left carrying the baggage they created. I have been praying and praying about this lately and last night after a very deep conversation with my sister I figured I might be praying for the wrong things. I cant control what happens to others and what blessings they get and dont get but I need to focus more on how I let it affect me. So now I will start searching for the answers to heal and be okay with what I cant control. Its alot easier said then done and I know it wont happen over night but I need to work on it. I need to try. I have been blessed SO much with so much love and support in my life and I need to cling to that to get through mind battles like this. I need to turn to Heavenly Father for different answers then I have been. I cant ask him to prevent things and I cant expect to feel better by putting my happiness on what someone else gets or doesnt get so I need to work on my mind struggles and my whole emotions. So if you have any advice on what has helped you in similar feelings or situations you have dealt with I would LOVE to hear it.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Videos Of Our Princess
The lady put a few videos of Makynlie on my cd from todays ultrasound. They are very short but I love watching them :-) Watch her little mouth in the first couple videos. She was moving her mouth and tongue almost the whole time. It was SO cute! Oh how I love her already!!
Couldnt Be Happier
Had my mid pregnancy ultrasound today and it went GREAT! She was moving like crazy! The lady who did the ultrasound even had a hard time getting good shots of her organs cause she wouldnt stop flipping around like a mad woman. I loved every second of it though :-) Everything with her and her development is right on schedule and she is great in every way. I also go the great new that my placenta is 100% again! So happy! I still need to take it easy and use common sense when doing things but I am on cloud 99 with how this ultrasound went!

Happy Birthday Kamrin
Kamrin had to work on his birthday but after he got off we made it as special as we could. He wanted to go bowling with the kids, get take out from his favorite Mexican food place and come home and watch a Red Box. Bowling was eventful! The kids had a blast well besides Kamdyn. He was pretty fussy. He doesnt do well in large crowds and load places. He has been like that since he was born. We made it through 1 and a half games before he really lost it. I finally had to take him out and take him for a drive. We had met Kamrin there so we drove separate home. He went to get his food and I was stopping to get the kids a drink and me some dinner from somewhere else. I was only a block away from the bowling place and I see cop lights right behind me. The kids start talking 90mph and told me to pull over to let him pass. At that point I know he wasnt going to pass but that he was there for me. I had no idea why though. I had just turned so obviously not spending and I knew I had my turn signal on. Anyways I pulled into a parking lot and sure enough he came up to my window and talked to me. It was because my head light was out. He was really sweet about it and just told me to get it changed and to have a good night. After he went back to his car the kids were freaking out asking 100 questions. I was laughing so hard at them. It was my first time getting pulled over and even though I knew I didnt do anything wrong my nerves were going crazy!! I just headed straight home and when Kamrin got there I took his car to get me Subway :-) We put the kids to be and cuddled up on the couch and watched Reel Steel. It was actually a really good movie! I really liked it! I hope we were able to make his birthday night special! I know I had fun besides the few mishaps :-) Happy Birthday Kamrin! Enjoy your last year in your 20's! We love you!!!

Half Way There!!
Kamrins birthday marked the half point of this pregnancy! Yay! Thats a big milestone! My belly is growing and this little one is a wild monkey! She moves like crazy all the time. I love every second though!!

How far along? 20 Weeks
Total weight gain: Still under 15 pounds or so from prepregnancy weight
Maternity clothes? Mostly only shirts
Stretch marks? No new ones
Sleep: Depends on the night
Best moment this week: Seeing baby today :-)
Miss Anything? Not really
Movement: All the time! She is a wild child!
Food cravings: Cheese tortilla dipped in sour cream and salsa and also apples dipped in Cheez Whiz
Anything making you queasy or sick: Brushing my teeth (Dont worry I still do it LOL)
Gender: Another little princess!!
Labor Signs: Contractions of course
Symptoms: Nausea sometimes still, weird food cravings and growing bump
Belly Button in or out? Out
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: 50/50 on those I think
Looking forward to: Making Makynlies rag quilt and more flower clips :-)
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