Our Family

Friday, December 31, 2010
Review Of 2010
For the most part 2010 has been a good year for us. Of course like every year we have had our struggles but I think its been pretty good. We didnt start out the year on a good note. On New Years Day I had a miscarriage which is always hard to go through. Almost 2 months later we found out I was pregnant again. we waited a while to announce this time to see if it would stick this time which thankfully it did. We then found out we were having another boy! We took an amazing trip to Grand Canyon and Rockin R Ranch which was one of my favorite vacations ever. There I got to ride my 1st horse and I loved every second of it. Jaydan turned 4 this year. Jaydan started his 2nd and final year of preschool and Maddie started her 1st year. They love it and kive that they get to go together this year. Kamdyn joined our family on November 15th! Since them we have all been adjusting to having another member in our family and enjoying the holiday season. Maddie just turned 3 a week and a half ago. I loved watching my kids grow in 2010 and very excited to see what 2011 brings to us!! Happy New Years!!!
Christmas was GREAT for us this year. We all got spoiled rotten and had such a great time the entire day. First great thing that happened was Kamdyn slept until 6:30am! That was SO nice! I got up to feed him and my sister was already awake so I just stayed up instead of trying to get a little more sleep cause I was too excited to see my kids reactions. Kim has stayed with us every Christmas Eve since Jaydan was born and we love having her apart of our Christmas! The second great thing of the day was before the kids woke up Kim was holding Kamdyn and he was so full of smiles. He had done a few quich half smiles here and there but these were his first full big grins! It was so precious!! Maddie was the first to wake up so we went to try to wake Jaydan up and at first he kept saying no but after a minute of realizing Santa had left presents he jumped right up and was ready to go. They both were SO excited when they turned the corner in the living room and saw all their new presents!! After opening and see all their new stuff they played, played and played some more. I started making our breakfast of eggs, smoked sausage and heated up the cinnamin rolls my sisters roommate made. It was so yummy! Around 10am Kamrins family showed up to see what the kids got. While the kids were distracted showing everyone Kamrins brother and brother in law went out to set up a BIG surprise for the kids. All the sudden we hear music coming from outside and Kamrins dad tells the kids something must be out there so they rushed to get their coats on and check it out. We open the door and there sat a Cadillac Escalade power wheels!! You should have seen my kids face!! It was priceless!! This thing is so awesome! It even has a working radio and some powerful speakers! We told they kids Santa must have forgot about it and just dropped it off outside since we were already awake. After riding it for a while and both had bright red noses we were able to pry them away from it. We got ready and headed to Kamrins grandmas house for lunch and to do our brother-sister gift exchange. His brother Landis had my name and made a very special gift for me. 2 days before him and his mom came and picked up my oldest 2 and told me they were taking them to their house to make gingerbread houses which they did but they also filmed a little interview of them asking questions about me and what I do for them. It was the sweetest thing ever! At the end they both told me Merry Christmas and they loved me and blew me a kiss at the same time. I always tear up when I get gifts that invlove my kids. I really needed that sweet video at that time too. It meant so much to me so thanks Landis! Another very meaningful gift I recieved was from his sister Pashell which was an awesome frame with pictures of my kids at her wedding. His sister Shaless gave us memberships to Discovery Gateway which I am VERY excited to take my kids and make fun memories there! After Grans house we went to my brother Brandons house to do our brother-sister and niece-nephew gift exchange. My sister Kim had my name and handed me a piece of paper that said I get a free hour massage from her best friend and babysitting while I go!! I have been needing a massage for the longest time and Im so excited to use it!! Oh Santa was very good to me this year. He gave me a really nice computered sewing machine and certificates to a lasor hair removal place to get 2 different places done! I cant tell you how stoked I am to do my eyebrows and never have to pluke or wax again!!!! He also filled my stocking super full. After my brother house we stopped off at my grandmas house to see her and give her, her present. By then the kids were EXHAUSTED and ready to go home. We did clean up some and play more but then it was off to bed we went. It was a fabulous Christmas for us. The fun wasnt over either. The next morning we went to Kamrins parents house and opened our gifts from them. I was so excited to get a brand new hot pink camera! Mine was giving out and I was very upset about it but now I have a new one that is way better then my last! Thank you to everyone who made our Christmas so great and all the spoiling you did do us! We hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!!!

Christmas smiles

He is SO SO cute!
Christmas smiles
He is SO SO cute!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Christmas Eve
On Christmas Eve we had a family party at my brother Shawns house with lots of YUMMY food. When we were finishing up eating the door bell rang and guess who it was??? SANTA!! Maddie was having an off night and even though she has been very into Santa this year and sat in his lap tons of times she refused to do so on Christmas Eve. Santa talked to all the kids and even held Kamdyn. Before he left he had Jaydan and my nephew Conner hold his bells and shake them as we all sang Jingle Bells. Then it was time for him to go visit some other boys and girls, After that some played Rock Band including Jaydan. He LOVES singing and had a blast being the singer of the band a few times. It was pretty dang cute! Nothing like a 4 year old singing Kenny Chesney's She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy :-) It is now his favorite song and we have listened to it MANY times since HA HA HA. The ones who didnt play just visited and watched them play. After we were done we went to Kamrins parents to get our Christmas pjs. This year my kids got The Grinch and Cindy Lou Who and all the adults got AWESOME matching M&M ones. I love them! After a while it was time to get home and get the kids to bed so Santa could come! Nothing better then spending Christmas Eve with family!

My princess all dressed up!

Playing Rock Band

My princess all dressed up!
Playing Rock Band
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Happy 3rd Birthday Madyson!!
I cant believe my little Maddie is now 3! My kids birthdays are very bitter sweet for me. I love watching them grow and learn new things everyday but at the same time I wish I could keep them little forever. Maddie has been so excited for her birthday the last couple weeks. She slept in a little and when she came in the living room I made the mistake of saying "Happy Birthday Princess" in a loud and excited voice and that set her off. She started bawling and ran to me and hid her head in my lap. Oops my bad :-) For one she is like her mommy and is NOT a morning person at all. She takes a while to fully wake up and until then watch out cause she is MOODY! Second she gets nervous and embarrassed when all the attention is on her so with me making a big deal right when she woke up was not a good idea at all! After a minute of bawling and cuddling she was ready to open her presents. She was so excited cause everything was wrapped in Hannah Montana paper! After she opened all her presents including her helmet set we asked her why he needed a helmet and she looked so confused. She then said "When you ride a bike" So we then asked her if she had a big girl bike and she told us no so we went on a little search to see if we could find a bike and when we walked in the scrapbook room her face lit up cause there waiting for her was a princess bike!! I loved watching her reactions to everything! We then got ready and took the baby to my sister in law so we could go play for her birthday. She is a funny girl and asked if we could go to the dollar store so we went and walked around there and her and Jaydan got to pick out some prizes. Then it was lunch time so she chose to go to McDonalds and eat and play in the play place. We ended up staying there a couple hours cause they were having so much fun! When we were there I realized I hadnt baked her cake and other dessert and we were having people over in a few hours so off to Walmart we went and luck was on our side cause there waiting for u was a Hannah Montana cake!! The miracle in that is she isnt as popular anymore. There are many other teen shows like that, that are much more popular so many places dont even carry her stuff anymore so for a cake to already be made of her was SO lucky! Maddie saw it and her face lit up! I had told her she would be able to pick a cake herself and when she asked if they would have Hannah I told her probably not so when she saw it she said "You were so wrong mommy there is my Hannah" :-) After our lucky trip to get the cake we went to pick up the baby and headed home. My sister was here waiting for the birthday girl. She opened her present from her and spent the next couple hours playing with her new toys. For dinner I went and got her Burger King because she wanted the Zhu Zhu Pets toy that came in the kids meal. At 7 her little party started. My mom and 2 sisters came from my family. Kamrins mom, grandma, 2 sisters, 1 brother in law and 2 youngest brothers all made it to eat some Hannah cake. When everyone left and she had opened all her presents my living room looked like Toys R Us blew up in it! By then both kids were drained and went to bed after their baths. I think she really enjoyed her birthday! Thank you to all who made it special for her!
At 3 Maddie is quite the little diva! She is the only young girl in our families and it shows! She is such a girly girl and little princess! She has such a fiery personality! She can be the sweetest little girl especially with her baby brother but catch her in a bad mood and you better watch out!! She loves The Little Mermaid still and is now obsessed with Hannah Montana. She LOVES music! She loves singing and dancing. She loves anything girly like playing dolls, dress up and anything like that. She also loves coloring and puzzles. She truly loves her family. She adores her baby brother and always has to know where he is and is always giving him hugs and kisses. Even though they might fight like siblings do she really does love her Jay Jay. I love watching them together (when they arent fighting) Madyson and her daddy have such a special bond. She has him wrapped around her little finger for sure! She is for sure a daddys girl!! Even with that fiery attitude I sure do love that little girl!! She is our families true princess! Happy 3rd Birthday my gorgeous little Maddie!! I love you so much!!

Hannah microphone from Jaydan and Kamdyn

Hannah purse!
At 3 Maddie is quite the little diva! She is the only young girl in our families and it shows! She is such a girly girl and little princess! She has such a fiery personality! She can be the sweetest little girl especially with her baby brother but catch her in a bad mood and you better watch out!! She loves The Little Mermaid still and is now obsessed with Hannah Montana. She LOVES music! She loves singing and dancing. She loves anything girly like playing dolls, dress up and anything like that. She also loves coloring and puzzles. She truly loves her family. She adores her baby brother and always has to know where he is and is always giving him hugs and kisses. Even though they might fight like siblings do she really does love her Jay Jay. I love watching them together (when they arent fighting) Madyson and her daddy have such a special bond. She has him wrapped around her little finger for sure! She is for sure a daddys girl!! Even with that fiery attitude I sure do love that little girl!! She is our families true princess! Happy 3rd Birthday my gorgeous little Maddie!! I love you so much!!
Hannah microphone from Jaydan and Kamdyn
Hannah purse!
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Thanksgiving Point Lights
On the 15th Kamrins grandma rented a shuttle at Thanksgiving Point so we all could go see all the amazing lights there. My mom joined us also. The guy driving the shuttle told us there was over a million lights! It was all so amazing! After the lights we went to a house in Draper that has their lights going to Christmas music then Kamrins sisters and their husbands met us at Wendys for dinner and frostys. I love making memories like that.Thanks Gran!!

Santa Field Trip
Monday the 13th was the kids preschool field trip to see Santa at the mall. I wanted to go to this one with them but dont like to take the baby to places like that much with him being so little so I left him with my grandma and aunt Lonnie. After all the kids had their turn with Santa we went to the food court and had yummy cookies. I love joining my kids on field trips like this!

Waiting for Santa
Waiting for Santa
Polar Express Ward Party
On December 11th the 2 older kids and I went to Kamrins parents wards Christmas party. His mom is the activity planner and always does great putting it all together. The theme was the Polar Express. Most people wore their pajamas to fit the theme. They had some of the youth do a tap dance and we all got hot chocolate. 2 girls sang for us. She played a spiritual slide show for everyone. Of course Santa came. Kamrins cousin was Santa and he makes a great Santa! Poor guy had a kid pee on his leg though!! After all that we had a yummy prime rib dinner!! Also had Dreyers peppermint ice cream for dessert!! We all had a good time!

Hammond Christmas Party
December 10th we went to Kamrins dads side of the families Christmas party. My mother in law put it on this year and did a very good job. The food was amazing. My favorite was they had a chocolate and a ranch fountain just like we did at our wedding. YUM! We all ate, visited and even Santa came and brought the kids presents! My kids had a blast running around the gym with all their distant cousins. It was a very fun time!

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