Our Family

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Fire Station Field Trip
Yesterday the kids had their field trip to the fire station. I love going to that field trip with them. It was so fun last year and I was excited to be there for Maddies first time there. The kids had so much fun til the fireman put his full suit on then Maddie got scared and started crying. Poor girl. I love helping out with their preschool. It so fun experiencing things like that with them!!

Jeff Dunham
A while back Kamrins sister and her husband introduced us to Jeff Dunham the ventriloquist and we have been hooked since! He is the best and funniest ventriloquist I have ever seen!! While watching him you often forget they are puppets and watching his mouth you wouldnt even guess he is the one talking! Talk about talent!! Anyways a few months ago his sister told us he was coming to town and asked if we wanted to go and of course we said yes! It ended up being a huge family thing and a Christmas surprise for Kamrins dad. So Wednesday Jan 19th was the day we went. We had no idea where our seat were or anything because his sister took care of all that and had our tickets. When we got there we found out we had floor seats! I was so excited! The 1st guy out was a trombone player who was really good and then he started busting out in these hilarious dances! He was so much fun to watch. The next guy out was a guitar guy who was also really good. He performed songs he wrote and they were all so hilarious! Then he did with the electric guitar which was AMAZING! Then they did an intermission and then it was time for Jeff!! He did so amazing as usual and I laughed the entire time! After his normal performances with his puppets Walter, Peanut, Jose Jalapeno and Achmed he introduced a new puppet! It was Achmeds son who was half skeleton and half human. It was SO funny!! We werent supposed to take pictures but I took a few anyways :-) For any of you who havent seen Jeff Dunham I HIGHLY recommend you google him and watch some now! Im so happy we got to go. It was such a great night! After the show Jeff threw shirts out to the audience and Kamrin caught one! Its black with Achmed on it and says his famous line "I keel you" So awesome!

Kamdyn 2 Months Old
Kamdyn is now 2 months old! Time sure does fly! He is such a good baby and we LOVE having him a part of our family. His brother and sister adore him!! They love helping with him, playing with him and now that he smiles they love making him smile. Maddie especially has a special place in her heart for him. At least 5 times a day out of nowhere she will say "Mommy I love my baby brother" It really melts my heart. Kamdyn is such a joy to be around and snuggle with. He smiles all the time now and tries to "talk" constantly. His cooing is SO cute!! He is so aware of everything going on around him and loves to just stare and take everything in. At 2 months he is quite the chunky monkey which this mommy LOVES! I LOVE chubby babies!! They are so adorable and more to squeeze :-) At his 2 month appt he weighed 12 pounds and 12 ounces which puts him in the 70th percentile and is exactly 23 inches long. I can already tell he is a mommys boy just like his brother. He reacts to my voice and alot of the time cant be comforted by anyone but me. I love it! I love this happy little guy so much and I am so thankful to have him as my baby!!

My happy little man

So cute in his little hat

Sportin some shades

She LOVES feeding him!

My happy little man

So cute in his little hat

Sportin some shades

She LOVES feeding him!
Maddies 3 Year Old Pictures
Kamdyns "Newborn" Pictures
Getting my kids pictures done professionally is very important to me! For the 1st year I get them done every 3 months since they grow and change so much their 1st year. Since Jaydan was in the NICU the first week of his life we never got hospital pictures of him so we went and got them professionally done when he got out of the hospital. Since then we decided so each kid had the same we would never do hospital pictures and just go get them done ourselves which I like better anyways. Kamdyns "newborn" pictures were actually done when he was a month and a half. Oops! In my defense life got hectic trying to get used to a newborn again, having 3 kids, Thanksgiving, Maddies bday and preparing for Christmas. Bad time of the year to have a baby by the way!! Anyways I think his "newborn" pics turned out way cute even though he was VERY fussy! She was able to get some that he wasnt screaming in thankfully!

All 3 Together
HSP Rash
The couple weeks after Maddie had started the breakout of the HSP her rash just got worse and worse. It kept spreading like crazy. It didnt seem to bother her much except her feet. They got really swollen and she couldnt wear shoes for a few days. We had to take her back to the doctor quite a bit to get her blood in her urine tested and also her kidney function levels tested. Here are some pictures of what the rash turned into.

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