Our Family

Monday, August 29, 2011
Kamdyns 9 Month Pictures
Let me just brag for a minute about my little Kamdyn. He takes pictures SO good. In fact all my kids have been amazing from day 1 with taking pictures. Very rarely would they cry and the second the see the camera they grin from ear to ear. One thing I absolutely love about my kids are their eyes. I get people stopping me daily to tell me how gorgeous their eyes are. Kamdyns are extra gorgeous. Not only are they big and bright blue but they have a dark blue ring around them that makes them pop out even more. Even today at the doctor he was freaking out about how amazing Kamdyns eyes are. Anyways enough bragging but these are one of the many reason I love getting my kids pictures taken. Here are Kamdyns 9 month pics. Hard to believe his next ones will be his 1 year old ones!!!!!

1st Day Of Kindergarten!!!
Oh my gosh am I really writing this post already?!? My little Jay Jay started KINDERGARTEN this morning!!! His teacher is a sweet older lady named Mrs Andersen. He is in the AM class so he goes from 8:40-11:50. Jaydan has been so excited about starting school. He is such a smart kid and I cant wait to see his growth this year. We will sure miss him during the morning though!! When I dropped him off he never even got nervous at all. Cant wait for him to get home and tell me all about his first day!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Zoo Day
He was digging the oranges :-)
He liked the dinos
Saturday we went with Kamrins family up the canyon for breakfast at a place called Ruths. We ate outside which is very pretty out there and their food is YUMMY. After breakfast we went to the zoo. This is our second year we have done this. It was a VERY hot day so every time we saw a mist fan we all ran to it. It was so fun being with the family and the kids had a blast seeing all the animals. We also got to see the dinos they have there for a bit longer.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
My Cuties!
Kamdyns 1 Haircut
This post is REALLY weird for me because I am not used to a baby having any hair at all til they are over a year and what hair they do have is so blonde you cant even see it but Kamdyn is a different story. He had lots of hair when he was born and I figured it would go away but it didnt! The myth of heart burn during pregnancy means your baby will have lots of hair must be true. I have never had heart burn a day in my life. Not even when I was pregnant with Maddie and Jay but I did get it with Kamdyn and imagine that he had hair :-) He even was growing a tail so it was time to get him a haircut! My sister in law did it for us. He was not a fan of clippers! It was pretty funny. He looks so cute and grown up with his new do!
Before getting started
His tail :-)
Before getting started
His tail :-)
Kamdyn At 9 Months Old
Only 3 months away from being a whole year old!! How did that happen?? He was just born I swear!! My "little" Kamdyn is getting way to big and grown up way too fast! We had his 9 month pics taken last Friday and even though I dont have the cd yet Hollie posted a sneak peek of them on Facebook for me and they are ADORABLE!!!! Cant wait to see the rest! Today I took him for his 9 month check up and he is healthy and growing great. He is now 23 pounds 4.8 ounces which puts him at 86.84% for his weight. He is 28.4 inches tall which puts him at 55.08%. His noggin is 45.7 cm which puts him at 62.24% So in other words he is still chunky and I love every single roll on him :-) Kamdyn is such a sweet baby! I love his happy and loving personality! He is such a happy and smiley baby (most of the time) He is army crawling and the last few days he has been so close to real crawling. He gets up on his knees and rocks for a while then flops back on his belly. The last few days he has started pulling himself up on things also. He says mama, doo doo (LOL), ba ba and has slipped in the occasional dada. His new favorite things are waving and blowing kisses which is so cute! One thing he has been learning recently is sleeping through the night. He has been very spoiled and I have been wrapped around his finger so I kept putting it off but I figured 9 months was way passed time. He has been doing really good with it! Kamdyn LOVES his brother ans sissy and they both just ADORE him!! I love seeing them all together! The last 9 months have been so amazing with our Kamdyn and cant wait to see his personality keep popping through! Here is a sneak peek of his 9 month pics!

Arent those the most gorgeous eyes you have ever seen!!!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Heber Train And Fireworks
Saturday the 23rd we went up to Heber to ride the train and watch fireworks over the lake up there. We went with Kamrins mom, his 2 youngest brothers and my mom. We left Kamdyn with my sister in law so we could all ride up in just 1 car. When we got on the train they fed us really yummy subs, chips and cookies. They had a band play for entertainment. The timed it perfect so we would be stopped right over the lake and turned out the lights on the train and did amazing firework show. After the show we headed back to the station and went home. It was so much fun! It was a bit too long for the kids though. They were getting so tired and restless towards the end. Watching the fireworks over the lake was truly amazing and worth it though!!!

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