Our Family

Our Family

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I Hope They Call Me On A Mission

Kamrins younger brother Landis received his mission call last Wed. We all met at his parents house at 830pm that night to open it all together. When I picked Jay up from school that day I told him about Landis getting his call. When we pulled in the driveway I started getting the kids out and I noticed Jay had his face buried and and wouldnt get out. I asked him what was wrong and he told me he loved uncle Landis and didnt want him to go. It was so sweet and yes, it made me cry also. He had a tough time the rest of the day and cried a few more times when he would think about it. He is such a sweetheart. So the moment finally came. Landis was called to serve in the Lubbock, Texas mission. He enters the MTC on Nov 7th. We are SO proud of Landis. He is going to be such an amazing missionary!!

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