Jaydans birthday was alot of fun and very special. Kamrin took the day off so we could spend quality time with him. That morning I woke up before anyone else. It felt like Christmas :-) I was in the kitchen and hear him call out "Mommy" so I go running down the stairs and say "Happy Birthday Baby!!!" He grinned really big and asked "Its my birthday today?" When I told him yes he giggled. Then I asked "What happens on your birthday?" He looked at me very confused and said "I dont know mommy" Then I told him there was probably a big surprise upstairs for him and he took off to see what it was! His whole face lit up to see balloons all over the living room floor and presents waiting for him to rip open!! Maddie kept looking around confused. I could just imagine she was saying in her head "What the heck is going on here?!?" I was pretty funny! We got ready and took Maddie to Kamrins mom so Jay could have all our attention for a while on his special day. We took him to Liberty Park and fed the ducks a whole loaf of bread. We then took him to Hollywood Connection and ate lunch in their cafe which was really yummy by the way, rode the bus ride, rose the roller coater, played in the play land with slides and played miniature golf which was so fun to watch him golf!! Kamrin had to go to a meeting after that so I took Jay to pick out his present with the money Grandpa Isom gave him and then we picked Kamrin up and went home to get all the stuff ready for his party. We had cake and ice cream at my brother Brandons house with my parents and siblings and Kamrins parents and siblings. The kids had so much fun there! They got to play on Jays new slip and slide, play in Conners pool, play on the swing set and jump on the trampoline. We ate dessert and opened presents. He got spoiled rotten!! My kids were so exhausted after all that fun so it was time to head home. It was such a fun day!!

The look on his face when he walked in the living room to find balloons all over the floor and his presents in a pile!

Opening his new pool!

Feeding the ducks at Liberty Park

My handsome 3 year old!

Waiting for his Dino Nuggets at the Hollywood Connection Cafe

Miniature golfing

He is saying ARRRR in this picture

Wearing daddys shirt down the slide to help him not get stuck and flip

Doing the slip and slide on his back

She looked adorable in her bikini

Maddie, conner and Jay in the pool

With his birthday cake I made him

Having a blast on his bday!

Ty, Jay and Kim playing with the awesome pirate ship Kim, Steph and Bill gave him