After being at Cuisine Unlimited for 5 1/2 years and in catering since he was 16 Kamrin quit his job for bigger and better things. March 18th was his last full day at Cuisine and his employees threw him a goodbye/best wishes party. They invited the kids and I to join. They had pizza and cake for us to eat. Adam the one who is taking over for Kamrin gave a speech on how much he will be missing and what big shoes he has to fill. I knew before but really got to see how much his employees, co workers and even bosses really loved and admired Kamrin. He did so much for that company and Adam was right he left pretty big shoes to be filled. The kids had such a blast at his party. They of course were the center of attention and loved every second of it. Kamrin now is working with my brother Brandon at a place called Cardwell. He is working in their warehouse. It is a very physically demanding job. The 1st week he was sore everyday but now is getting used to it. He was pretty strong before but now he is going to be my muscle man :-) I was starting to tease him cause he was starting to get a bit of a "beer" belly (His was coke, oh and the massive amounts of food he would eat) Well after 2 weeks at this new job he is already losing it. We both are very sure this was the right move to make to give our family the best life possible. Im so very proud of him and very thankful to him for all he does for the kids and I!!

Throwing a baseball in a can one of Kamrins employee set up for them

Running wild

Forgot to take a pic will all the pizza and cake so this was after
Kamrin standing around visiting with some of his employees after the party