Last night my little Jaydan graduated from his first year of preschool! I cant believe he has already completed 1 preschool year! The graduation was held at Nickelcade and even after alot of problems and changes it turned out fun. They each got a diploma, 2010 glasses and a grocery bag of fun stuff! Kamrins grandma, his sister, her husband and my mom joined us there for a while to support Jaydan and to play some games. Jaydan loved the games and Maddie was more into riding the little rides except when she got to pull tickets out of the machines for us :-) After he got his diploma Gran, Shaless and I came back to my house to finish getting our dinner ready. Kamrin, Jared and the kids stayed and played more games and cashed in their tickets. When they came home our nacho bar was ready and when the kids went to bed we all watched the Biggest Loser finale! It was such a great night!!
I am so very proud of Jaydan! He really did a great job his first year of preschool! He learned so much and I know he loved it so much. Im so happy with our decision to put him in my aunts school. She does such a good job and makes it so fun for the kids. Jaydan was so excited to show me all the stuff he made and to tell me everything he learned. He is truly an amazing little boy and I could be more proud of him. He is so tender hearted and such a great big brother. He always is so concerned for his little sister and is already so protective of his baby brother. He always comes to make sure everyone is soft when touching my belly and he comes to kiss and rub my belly constantly. I love everything about my son. Way to go Jaydan on completing your first year of preschool! We love you!!

Class of 2010 :-)

Showing off his diploma

So excited about all the prizes he got

My little family after Jaydans graduation