Jay putting balls down the tubes

Watching his ball fly
My little Maddie has been taking steps here and there for over a month now. She would stand on her own yet the second anyone would look at her or give her attention she would fall on her bum instantly. Well this morning was no different but this afternoon I looked over and she took off across the room!! Then again and again. Within the first couple hours when she stared she had taken over 100 steps!! My baby girl is officially walking!! This is a very bitter sweet moment for me. I love how she is growing and all the new things she is learning daily but at the same time it makes her less and less a baby :-( Its hard as a mom to think of your baby all grown up now. I think she looks so dang cute walking. She was in a mini skirt and leggins and HOW ADORABLE!!
Maddie walking!! I keep forgetting not to record videos long ways sorry!
I think Jay was getting a bit jealous with how excited we were to see her walk cause he said mommy I walk like baby for the camera and this is what he did!! So cute!!