Our Family

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Posts Galore!!!!
I have been sick and wake up at 3 and 330am the last few nights and dont go back to sleep so I have been able to catch up on my blog! I mean what else is there to do at that time when you dont wanna walk up your family :-) So Im sorry but I have done ALOT of posts the last few days. Hope you enjoy!
Jaydans 1st Day Of Preschool!
My baby started preschool today!! I cant believe he is big enough to go already! He has been so excited to go for a few weeks since we told him about it. He was so excited to get his backpack yesterday and didnt wanna take it off all night! This morning when he woke up I told him it was time to get in a bath and get ready for school and he asked "School is today?" and had the biggest smile on his face. He started to get nervous on our way there. He kept saying he just wanted to go home. Once we got there he ran straight for the toys and other kids. I had to hunt him down to even say goodbye. When I buckled Maddie in the van she started screaming for Jay :-( She loves him so much and was heartbroken we werent taking him with us. Even 10 min or sso she would say "Jay Jay" so I had to keep telling her we would go back for him in a while. When we picked him up he was so happy to tell me how much he loved it. Thats all he talked about on the way home.

Wendover Getaway
Kamrins parents treated us to an AWESOME Wendover getaway from Sunday to Monday (Labor Day) They got us a room with a king size bed, jacuzzi right next to our bed and the shower was not only a shower but a sauna also!! Not only that but that night they got us tickets to see Larry The Cable Guy who is my favorite comedians! I have been so excited for this for months now. Sunday his parents came and picked us up so we could car pool. When we first got there we checked in at the hotel and they went to check out their room and we went to check out ours. After seeing how awesome our room was we went down to theirs and off to the buffet we went. The food there was so YUMMY and when I saw the desserts I knew I was in heaven! They had approx 15 different kinds of cheesecake, pies, doughnuts, cookies, cakes and more!!!!! That was a tough decision to make :-) After we were all stuffed to the max Kamrin and his dad ran out to the car and took our stuff to our rooms and his mom and I walked to the Peppermill Concert Hall to get our tickets from will call. The guys met us there and it was show time!! They first brought out an opening act for Larry and he was HILARIOUS! By the time he was done my cheeks were already hurting from laughing so hard! Then the big moment came and Larry came out. He did his act for about an hour and a half and wow by the end of that show my cheeks and side were killing me from laughing so hard but it was so worth it!! After the show we went back to the hotel and gambled for only a half hour or so just to show his mom the penny machines cause they are the fun arcade games. After that we called it a night and went back to our rooms to relax and awwwww it was so nice!!!!!
The next morning we checked out and went to the breakfast buffet which was also YUMMY! We gambled for another half hour or so and headed home. Theres not too much to do in Wendover when your not big gamblers :-)
I just want to thank Kamrins parents for such an AMAZING fun night!! We really appreciate them treating us to something like that! It was fun to spend quality time with them also. We dont get that very much so it was alot of fun! Thanks mom and dad!!!! We love you!!!

Our king bed and jacuzzi tub!!

The whole room lit up like that!
The next morning we checked out and went to the breakfast buffet which was also YUMMY! We gambled for another half hour or so and headed home. Theres not too much to do in Wendover when your not big gamblers :-)
I just want to thank Kamrins parents for such an AMAZING fun night!! We really appreciate them treating us to something like that! It was fun to spend quality time with them also. We dont get that very much so it was alot of fun! Thanks mom and dad!!!! We love you!!!

Our king bed and jacuzzi tub!!

The whole room lit up like that!
Thanksgiving Point

Petting the pony

She LOVED the pony ride!

Jay on his pony

Maddie on hers
This post is out of order but I forgot to add it because August was a crazy month for me. In August Thanksgiving Point has $2 Tuesdays which means its only $2 a person to get in and since I had never been there we went down I believe in the middle of August to check it out. They have a dinosaur museum, a little farm, gardens, little shops and more. We were going to go to the dinosaur museum since normally its around $15 a person but when we pulled up and saw the line was wrapped around the building we scratched that idea. We went to the little farm town instead. The kids LOVED it there. Jay got to pet a little pony and they had ponies you could ride so I stood on line for an hour and a half while Kamrin and his grandma walked around with the kids til it was close to our turn. I knew Jay would do okay on the pony but I wasnt too sure how Maddie would react. Well.....she LOVED it. In fact she kept yelling "NO NO" when I went to take her off. Their reactions were worth me standing in line so long for sure! After the farm place we went to eat and it was a really fancy place. Of course we were the only ones with kids in there at the time and boy my kids were not on their best behavior either! I was pretty embarrassed at points! I even had to take Maddie out at the end. In their defense we had woke them up from their nap early so we could go before everyone got off work. After dinner we went and got FUDGE to bring home and it was SO YUMMY!!! It was a really fun day and I would love to go back and do more of the things there soon.
BYU Cougars

He was so excited to wear his BYU gear!

Him yelling out "GO COUGARS"

She just woke up so wasnt into it yet :-)

My cute little monkeys!

He was trying to teach her to cheer. She was not impressed :-)
Im not a sports type of girl. Dont even know many rules or how most are really played. I know the basics of most but not in depth at all. Basketball is the one I know the most about. My dad and brother Shawn are HUGE sports fans. They even enjoy watching golf which in my eyes has to be the most boring thing to watch on tv ever! Shawn is so passionate about it that I remember growing up when the refs would call bad calls he would yell out a few choice words and sometimes even throw things at the tv and when things went his teams way he would run around the block screaming and waving a flag of the team playing! So there is a few things in sports that I do get into. BYU Football and Jazz playoff games. I dont watch all the games on either but Im more willing to watch those 2 things then any other sport events. I love getting into the "Holy War" which is when BYU and U of U play against each other. On Saturday BYU had their opening game and I got the kids dressed up in all thier BYU gear and sent pics to my brother of them and all our other BYU fans family and we actually watched the last half of the game even though they were expected to lose. I loved watching Jaydan getting so into it and cheering like crazy! I want to make more of an effort to let him see other sports and see if thats something that interests him. He has a Cougars hat that he has had to have with him ever since Saturday :-) After they won and he saw how excited we all were he really got into it. I had him call my brother just to say GO COUGARS and he was in a panic trying to find his hat so he could wear it to call him lol! Even though Im a HUGE girly girl and Kamrin is not into sports either we are going to start showing him and trying to teach him about sports so he can decide if thats his interest or not. So far he LOVES BYU football!!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Happy Birthday Steph (Toppy)
I have been SLACKING on the whole birthday video thing. I think I have missed a few and this is late but I guess its better late then never right??? With that said August 27th was my sister Stephanies birthday. All the kids in our family and also all the adults call her Toppy. When Tyson was little he couldnt say Steph so he called her Toppy and it just stuck. The night of her birthday most of us from my family went out to dinner at Chilis and then went back to her place for cake and icecream. Steph we all hope you had a GREAT birthday! You really deserve it and more!! We love you!!
End Of The Yellowstone Trip
The second day we drove to Mammoth Hot Springs which was an extra long drive because the road that would have made it not very long was closed for construction OF COURSE! That was a very awesome and very stinky experience! When we pulled up to the little town there was Elk EVERYWHERE! All over all the lawns and there was rangers everywhere making sure all the people left them all. We went to Yellowstone with Kamrins family last year but I did go up to see the hot springs cause it was the last day there and I was done and at that time Jay was 2 and Maddie was 7 months and they were both DONE with Yellowstone so I stayed back with them and his grandma. This time I got to go see all that I had missed and do it all without juggling 2 young kids! It was SO nice!! After we saw the hot springs we did see a couple waterfalls that day but they are pictures in the last post. That night after our LONG drive back to West Yellowstone we went and ate at a little diner and Kamrin and I went walking the streets while Shawn and Suzanne went and saw an IMAX. We had seen that one last year so chose not to go again. That was pretty much the rest of the evening. We were all beat and had to get up early to start our journey home.
We woke and and went and got our last free breakfast and packed up the car and headed out. We decided not to go home the shorter way we came to get there. This time we went in the park and drove through Grand Teton and WOW that was awesome! We hit 2 bad spots of horrible construction which brought HORRIBLE traffic to make our longer trip home that much LONGER. Right out of Grand Teton is Jackson Hole then we headed back towards Idaho and come the rest of the way through there. It was so nice to get away and have adult time but by then I was ready to see my kids again!!! I missed them so much!! It was a great trip and Im so glad Shawn and Suz invited us to go with them!!

My chipmunk friend
We woke and and went and got our last free breakfast and packed up the car and headed out. We decided not to go home the shorter way we came to get there. This time we went in the park and drove through Grand Teton and WOW that was awesome! We hit 2 bad spots of horrible construction which brought HORRIBLE traffic to make our longer trip home that much LONGER. Right out of Grand Teton is Jackson Hole then we headed back towards Idaho and come the rest of the way through there. It was so nice to get away and have adult time but by then I was ready to see my kids again!!! I missed them so much!! It was a great trip and Im so glad Shawn and Suz invited us to go with them!!

My chipmunk friend
Yellowstone Waterfalls
Yellowstone Day 1
The first night we got there we checked in our hotel which was in West Yellowstone, Montana. Shawn had got a room with 2 king size beds and a little kitchenette. It was a nice room and I was really excited about the king size bed! Im a bed hog so I bet Kamrin was too so he could actually get more then an inch of bed to sleep on :-) After putting our stuff in our room we walked around the little town to find somewhere to eat dinner. We decided on a BBQ place. It was really busy there that night. I was SO excited when Kamrin pointed out they had fried pickles there so of course we had to get some and I got a pulled pork sandwich. I went to take the first bite and OUCH! The bottom bun was as hard as a ROCK! Kamrin and I both tried to end break it with our hands and couldnt even bend it at all!! I called our waiter over and told him I couldnt even bite into it and he looked at me and asked "So you want a new one?" DUH!! No I think I would like to break all my teeth on this one. He was not a good waiter at all! Never checked on our drinks and hid in the back most of the time. After I got a bun I could bite through it was actually really yummy food though!! After that we walked back to our hotel and Suz, Kamrin and I went to the hotels hot tub. It was only us in a 20 person hot tub! I was so AWESOME and relaxing. We sat and talked in there for quite a long time. Shawn was a party pooper and didnt join us because he was tired and said he had a bit of a head ache. I slept so good that night!
The first morning we all got ready and went and ate the free breakfast in the hotel and headed to the store to buy stuff to take in the park for lunch. We headed into the park pretty early and stayed there all day long. We pulled over at any spot Shawn wanted to take pictures and also all the main sight seeing points. Our first real stop was the hot spots that the water or mud is so natural hot it steams and boils. After seeing a few different spots of those we headed to Old Faithful. We had just missed the last eruption so we walked over to the beautiful lodge they have there and walked through the gift shop. Suz and I were pretty tired so we went and found seats while the guys walked up and say some more little hot spots. Old Faithful wasnt very faithful that time and was actually 25 minutes late but it was awesome when it finally erupted. After that we ate lunch there and headed out to the waterfalls which I will post the pics of in the next post. It was starting to get late and we started to head back out of the park to go get some dinner and of course on our way out there was a big delay cause 1 buffalo was holding up traffic! When we finally made it out we went to dinner at this really yummy pizza place called The Gusher. Their pizza was SO GOOD!! After that we went back and sat in the hot tub and actually got Shawn to join us that time. I think I fell asleep the second my head touched the pillow!

Kamrin and I at our first stop in Yellowstone
The first morning we all got ready and went and ate the free breakfast in the hotel and headed to the store to buy stuff to take in the park for lunch. We headed into the park pretty early and stayed there all day long. We pulled over at any spot Shawn wanted to take pictures and also all the main sight seeing points. Our first real stop was the hot spots that the water or mud is so natural hot it steams and boils. After seeing a few different spots of those we headed to Old Faithful. We had just missed the last eruption so we walked over to the beautiful lodge they have there and walked through the gift shop. Suz and I were pretty tired so we went and found seats while the guys walked up and say some more little hot spots. Old Faithful wasnt very faithful that time and was actually 25 minutes late but it was awesome when it finally erupted. After that we ate lunch there and headed out to the waterfalls which I will post the pics of in the next post. It was starting to get late and we started to head back out of the park to go get some dinner and of course on our way out there was a big delay cause 1 buffalo was holding up traffic! When we finally made it out we went to dinner at this really yummy pizza place called The Gusher. Their pizza was SO GOOD!! After that we went back and sat in the hot tub and actually got Shawn to join us that time. I think I fell asleep the second my head touched the pillow!

Kamrin and I at our first stop in Yellowstone
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