Looking so handsome on Thanksgiving!

Looking so cute on Thanksgiving!

I am so thankful for moments like this!!
I love Thanksgiving and this time of the year for many reasons. I love being around loved ones, the YUMMY food and I love sitting back and thinking of all the things I have to be thankful for. Life gets so busy and hectic sometimes that you forget to just sit back and think of all your blessings and all the great things you have. Its especially hard to think of the blessings when you are going through hard times and trials. This passed year has been pretty crazy at times but no matter how bad things might have gotten I really am truly blessed. I am so thankful for SO MANY things!! I am so blessed to have so many amazing people in my life!! I am thankful for all my family and friends!! Even if we have not all see eye to eye all the time they have all had a part in who I am today! I am so thankful for my parents, siblings, in laws, nieces and nephews, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins etc! I am so lucky to have so many people who love me and on my side!! I am so thankful for my husbands family also! They have took me into their family with open arms and showed me so much love!! I am so thankful for my husband and the 2 AMAZING children we have together!! Talking about my children brings tears to my eyes. They are so precious and perfect to me!! Dont get me wrong they have their naughty moments but I still love them with all my heart and soul :-) Sometimes I just sit and watch them and cry because they are so handsome/beautiful and perfect in my eyes (Yes, Im a cry baby) I dont know how I got so lucky to be these 2 angels mom but I will forever be thankful for the chance I have to have them. I am also so thankful to my wonderful husband who works his tail off so that I can stay home and raise them. It hasnt always been easy and things have gotten pretty bad sometimes but I am also thankful for those moments because they only make us stronger. The last few months Kamrin and I have been able to become so close as husband and wife and I am so thankful for that. Having a child before being married sometimes brings challenges that you dont have when you dont have children before marriage. You never get that alone time as newlyweds and dont get that chance to work on you and relationship without trying to juggle parenthood at the same time. You dont get the chance to just focus on each other and learn more about each other. These last few months we have been able to do that now that our kids are getting a bit older and a bit more independent and I am so thankful for that and it has really been amazing!! I love him and the family we have created together!! I cant wait to see what the future holds for us!! Anyways I am so very thankful for too many things to name and I hope you all had a chance to really think about everything wonderful in your life.
Our Thanksgiving this year was a very busy one. I got up and went shopping at 6:30am for some great sales! When I got home I made a banana cream pie and got the kids ready and went to our first meal. Our first stop was to Kamrins parents house. We started eating around 12:30pm there. After eating, visiting and going through black Friday ads we headed to my brother Shawns house to spend time with my family. We did eat again too :-) I went easy at his parents so I would have room to eat at my brothers also. Kamrin on the other hand he can EAT, EAT and EAT some more!! After eating we visited and some started playing games while others watched the movie Up. Around 6:15pm we went outside and watched the space shuttle move across the sky!! The sun was hitting it perfect that we could see it from outer space for almost 5 minutes! It was SO awesome to see!! After my brothers we came home and out the kids right to bed. They didnt get real naps all day so it was way passed time for bed!! It was a very fun day. I love being with my family and in laws!! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!