Our Family

Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Even though we were gone on Fathers Day and I already posted everything we did that day I wanted to post a special post just about Kamrin. I am so lucky to be married to my best friend. He has seen me at my best times and at my worst times and has stuck by me through it all. He works so hard everyday so that I can stay home and raise our kids and for that I will forever be thankful! I love being home and not missing anything in my kids lives and it wouldnt be possible without him! He has shown me numerous times that he really loves me unconditionally. Jaydan and Madyson just adore their daddy. Maddie and Kamrin have this special bond that is just amazing to watch. She idolizes her daddy and he looks at her the very same way. He is so excited now that Jaydan is getting big enough to do all the daddy-son things. I love watching them all play together. I love seeing Kamrins face when he is just sitting back watching his kids play. I cant wait to have another baby with this amazing man! I really look forward to our future! I love you Kamrin!!
Jaydan Turns 4!!!
I cant believe my little Jaydan is 4! He turned 4 on June 24th. . We drove home from the ranch on his birthday. He was so excited when we told him it was finally his birthday. Right before we started eating breakfast the staff came and sang to him. He wa blushing the whole time but loved every second of it! He adores all the girls that worked there and followed them all around so for them to sing to him was extra special. They also gave him a blueberry pancake with whipped cream and sprinkles on top. I wanted to make his day special somehow for when we got home so I arranged with my sister for her to decorate our house for him while we were gone and also pick him up a cake. I ran in the house first so I could get a picture of his reaction. After we settled in for a bit I gave the kids baths and then my sister came to see the birthday boy. My mom also came after she got off work and then my other sister Steph came over. We had cake and icecream with him and opened hi presents. We played games and he played his new Wii game. Even though we didnt get to do our tradtional birthday date day with him that day I think he had a fun birthday and loved all the attention and gifts!
Jaydan is such a special little guy. He is so sweet and loving. He is always wanting to help others and shows concern when they seem down. I love everything about this kid and I am so thankful I am lucky enough to be his mom. I love you so very much little guy!! Happy 4th Birthday!!
Eating his pancake with whipped cream and sprinkles
His reaction to the secorations (Sorry its dark)
His banner
More decorations
Seeing with Kim gave him
Hello Matey!
Opening presents
A Cars helmet!!
His reaction to his new bike!!!
Hammond Family Vacation Day 5
Hammond Family Vacation Day 4
just the picture taker. First part of the rodeo was the barrel racing. They all had to get their horses to go around 3 barrels and whoever got the fastest time won. Kamrin won that one. Then they did a relay race. The first part was they had a ladle of water and had to ride their horse to the bucket to pour the water in and whoever got the bucket the fullest won that round. Second round was to get the rope around the wood cows neck then get on them and give your best hee haw. Final round was throwing a cow pie. Glad I didnt have to do that one :-) I cant remember what team won the relay oops. Then it was time for the kids turn in the rodeo. Jaydan was first to ride the sheep. They put his helmet and vest on and let go of the sheep. He didnt last long at all on there. He flew and rolled off. He did get a boo boo on his elbow but he is now so proud of it cause it makes him a real cowboy :-) After Maddie saw what happened to Jay she wouldnt go near the sheep lol. Then it was time for the real rodeo. They brought out the calf and Kamrin, his dad and his sister Shaless were the only ones who did it. I cant believe they all did it. After his dad did it they were still brave enough to keep going after seeing how bad it hurt. Kamrins dads biggest injury was his knee, Kamrin was his back and Shaless' was a hole in her hand from some rocks. After everyone was beat from the rodeo we relaxed until our hay ride around town. The night ended with dinner and bed after that since we were all beat!
Riding around town
My second horse Phantom
Hammond Family Vacation Day 3
Swinging at the cool park in Kanab
She LOVES the swings