December 21, 2007 I woke up at 6am and called St Marks Hospital to see what time I had to be there to be induced because Maddie was measuring small and I had lost alot of amniotic fluid. They told me I had time to shower and head right in. We step out and the ground is covered in snow after a huge storm came through. We dropped Jay off at my grandmas and then we were off to the hospital. We got there just before 8am due to the horrible road conditions. They got us right in our room and hooked me up to all the machines and started my first dose of antibiotics because I had tested positive for Strep B. It was a very long day. Things with my labors move very slowly. Around 9pm Kamrin, his parents, his sister, 2 brothers, my mom and my sister Kim were all there keeping me company. I was pretty miserable at this point. It started to feel like it would be another 26 hour labor like it was with Jay. around 9:45pm I knew it was time. Kamrins dad and siblings went out and my doc checked and sure enough she was almost here. I looked at the clock as I started my first push and it was 9:52 and at exactly 10:00pm Madyson Haylie Hammond was born!! 8 minutes of pushing was SO MUCH BETTER then 2 hours with Jay!!! Madyson weighed 6 pounds 2 ounces and 18 1/2 inches long! From the second she was born she has brought such happiness to our family. I was so excited to have a little girl! Dont get me wrong Jay is a blast but now I had a girl to dress up! Jaydan took a while to warm up to having a baby around but looking at him with her now you would never know! He is always looking out for her. When she is not in the same room as him he always has to know where she is. She loves him just as much. Her face lights up when she sees her big brother! Madyson has a very sweet spirit about her. She is rarely upset. Whenever I would take her to the doc for an infection he would always ask me how did you know she was sick because even sick as can be she would smile none stop at him and just wanna play and laugh. She is a daddys little princess all the way!! The second daddy is around nobody else in the room matters at all. Maddie is so close to walking. She will stand on her own without holding on to things and has even taken steps but she gives up knowing crawling is so much faster! Maddie has 6 teeth completely in and at least 4 that I know of on their way in!
As I look back on the last year I feel so blessed to be your mom! You bring so much love and joy to us and your are so special to us. You are already an amazing little girl with one of the sweetest little spirits! You smile melts my heart. You funny faces you pull make me laugh! You are so beautiful in every way possible. You have made this last year one of the best in my life! I feel honored to have you as my daughter and as the years go on that will never change no matter what, I know how lucky I am! Your daddy and big brother just admire you! You are a little princess to them! On your 1st birthday I wish you all the happiness in the world for you life and for you to know no matter what life brings you, you will NEVER be alone! I love you more then I could ever describe!
Love, Mommy
First time in mommys arms!
Daddys Little Princess
Happy Birthday Madyson! And a happy BIRTH day to you, you have such a beautiful little girl and it's all because a year ago you made it possible! My how fast time goes :)
Happy b-day Maddie!
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